Help and Support
Find all this a little confusing? You are at the right place then.
While this help section is being put together you can go here to get a good starting point on some of the things used. It was a blog created by team lena aka lena for this sort of purpose.
You can also post any questions in the comments and we will answer you asap. If you have a question then doing a search in the comments (ctrl + F) may give you the answer. The questions that come up in the comments will help to fuel the main help section so keep them coming.
This help section is a work in progress and will be much improved soon. A lot of work is being done on the other sections and unfortunately it has meant the help section to be "lame" at present. If you have any questions though then please ask away.
I will check here too for people needing help if you would like wizard!
I wander if this should go towardst the more newbies see it.
I am sure the site has been around for a while and it has changed a few times. It has never been considered in-game but I do not know if there is proof of that other than it is most likely.
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