The Hanso Foundation stands at the vanguard of social and scientific research for the advancement of the human race.
How many thought that Enron was bad? Well folks The Hanso Foundation appears to have an even dirtier cast of top level Executives and Board Members. This is the paper trail that has been left behind. Please help me if I missed anything.
On May 2, 2006 The Hanso Foundation issues a press release re-launching their corporate website along with a new ad campaign "Reaching out for a better tomorrow."
The following press release, May 5, 2006, basically apologizes for the overwhelming response they were not prepared for both online and via the Hanso phone line.
Calling the Hanso Foundation hotline gave us some interesting messages and a message from Persephone. First we had a Danish DJ and then some static and Persephone's message. Some advertisements then another message from Persephone. Next up is a pretty standard corporate away messages. You have reached the office of Dr. Thomas Mittlewerk and so on, what is interesting is he mentions Paik-Heavy, Widmore Group and a special employee hotline. Now on to Hugh McIntyre, also away and mentions a Korean off-shore project. Very interesting. Peter Thompson's is very similar to Hughes, then a disruption and a man defending the company and threatening to find those damaging the corporation and bring them to justice. Why would someone not erase that message and allow it to get to the general public?
The next day, May 6, they issue a press release apologizing for the disruption and that their system has not been compromised and no data was corrupted, that the intruder only penetrated the outer layer of the site. Act 1 has begun and we are introduced to Persephone.
We also received a hack from Persephone that led us to the following letters.

Seems they can change the leadership at any company at any moment. IMHO, this is pretty much impossible to do, but I guess for the right amount of money nothing is impossible. Even more alarming is the request itself. What types of testing are they doing in Zanzibar?
How harmful is this trans-genetic disease?
EDIT: Factual errors! The first set of letters refer to a potential outbreak of meningitis in Tanzania. The first letter describes it as a "meningococcal" disease. This term is specifically used in microbiology to describe meningitis caused by bacteria. In the second letter, Peter Thompson refers to the disease as a "virus". Kudos to DrPunkass for adding this to the comments.

In the midst of all of this The Hanso Foundation also begins a campaign against the Gary Troup book "Bad Twin." This starts a series of press releases, one from HF, then one from the books publishers, Hyperion books, defending it and so on. Still the book gets published and it's affects are small to both parties. The book itself has very little information in it regarding The Hanso Foundation, but there must be some reason that they did not want it published. Gary Troups other work "The Valenzetti Equation," is one that has been rumored to be bought up by the foundation and is now out of print. What is in that book that is so important?

There seemed to be a pattern to Persephone and how she was obtaining and releasing information. First up on her hit list was good ol' Thomas Mittlewerk, seems he really did not go to Caltech after all, they have no record of him or any tuition payments from him. So what exactly is he a doctor of?
Who is this Clown?
EDIT: Factual Error! It's not unheard of for companies to pluck bright young minds from campuses and put them to work before they finish their degree. Usually in these cases the student finishes the degree "on the job". Is it possible that this is how Mittlewerk is a "doctor"? Thanks again to DrPunkass for the factual update in the comments.Hugh McIntyre was next to be brought to his knees by Persephone. Seems the communications and public relations VP is not as squeaky clean as he is portrayed. We receive images of receipts from two French establishments and some photos of Hugh and some woman having a grand old time.

And we see the 'real' Hugh McIntyre on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Next we get information on Peter Thompson, VP General council and secretary. Peter is a very busy guy. We learn of his past dealings with big tobacco companies, industrial waste, and nuclear power plant proposals, each and everytime Pete gets things to go his way and the dastardly companies he works for. Peter apparently works for criminals, "always has, always will."
Peter is also envolved with what seems to be a very lucrative deal with the Jeep division of Daimler Chrystler, but somewhere the deal goes south and Chrystler backs out. Why do they need so many Jeep Compass' anyway? And what is with the secret modifications?
We also learn that two of the board members, Peck and Vanderfield, have been very bad boys and are each sentenced to serve jail time for corporate crime including insider trading and perjury. In comes Peter and they serve very little time off of their sentences. Boy, Pete sure is good, but why are these two criminals on the board of such a reputable company?

Hanso is not as benevolent as they would like you to beleive. It appears that using it's theories from the Mathmatical Forcasting Initiative they can determine the future. Why else would they want to start wars? Peter drafted the letter but of course assumes no responsibility for the information, they need "plausible deniability," to keep their hands clean.
Companies with global reach are sometimes the most dangerous. Seems the Hanso Group has been up to no good in Capetown, Africa. It appears as if Hanso was about to be exposed for using a hospital there to harvest organs and possibly extract the compound D20 from patients to extend their lives. The newspaper was promptly 'acquired' by the Hanso Group and the reporter was 'silenced.' The government attempted to expel the company from the region. Seems this corporation is more powerful than actual governments.
Focus shifts to a mysterious letter from a Dr. Eliza Vasquez reaching out to Alvar Hanso and his state of health. It appears that 'Senior Hanso' has a bad ticker. He came into the hospital as mysteriously as he left. He wanted no blood drawn and discharged himself when his medical team arrived. Many people have inquired about his visit there and there is no record of his stay at all. Who is running this place anyway?
Some video of Alvar's parking space, desk and entrance are shown with no presence of Alvar but items begin to disappear from his desk. Where is Alvar?

Act 2 begins with more corporate disfunction. Our boy Huge is scene with his presumed mistress. Is this the woman he wined and dined before? We are also introduced to a new player trying to expose the Hanso Foundation, Rachel Blake. She has even found a wedding photo to compare to the woman seen with Hugh. She also has been following around Thomas Mittlewerk and followed him into the archives and found his last entry was a search of shipping lanes. What are they looking for that they would go to such great lengths to get their hands on?
Rachel follows Mittlewerk to a vegan place she calls his second office. She places a wire in the pepper shaker and records the conversation, problem is she doesn't speak Korean. It gets translated by various team members at The Lost Experience Clues and Inside The Experience websites and is determined the meat of the conversation was around a secret vessel Mittelwerk is having built by Paik Industries. Now why would he be looking up shipping lanes and now confirming the completion of his boat? Click on the link to hear the conversation.
http://au.i1.yimg.com/au.yimg.com/i/tv/lost/gallery/mischief/utrans_late.mp3Another press release was issued and the Hanso Foundation was named Partner in World Health by the Global Welfare Consortium for its efforts of the Worldwide Wellness and Prevention Development Program. In the GWC's thorough review of The Hanso Foundation's major programs by the regulatory Corporate Compliance Committee, The Hanso Foundation
was found to exceed the GWC's standards of corporate excellence in the areas of environmental impact, social outreach, and workplace safety/well-being standards. I wonder who they have working in these two organizations to garner them this great distinction?
Rachel was at it again and this time came face to face with Thomas Mittlewerk, love the ponytail Tommie! She accidentally bumped into him as he was leaving the Copenhagen Cartographical Society. He drops what he came out with and we see this map which Rachel then posts on her site, check it out.
http://stophanso.rachelblake.com/index2.htmlThere is certainly something going on in the upper level management of this company. There is something they are hiding and something they are collectively looking for and will stop at nothing to acquire.
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!
Peace & Namaste - Thrasher76