Main info about the DJDan website and DJDan:
May 16, 2006 DJDan website www.djdan.am
His website was first discovered as a hidden link inside the source code for www.thehansofoundation.org. A podcast ARCHIVE is inside the djdan website.
Many thanks to the transcribers...there are transcripts for the podcast. Please watch for links to these as you go along.
Some things to ponder:
DJDan is involved in almost EVERY in game website. I will add a list of websites to this important clue soon. STAY TUNED.
In his bios section there has a change from of him being a Desert Storm war vet to now Gulf war vet (unsure of date that happened at the moment). It has not been discovered as to why this change occurred.
On the bios page, it lists one of his possible birthplaces as Terre Haute, Indiana. Peter Thompson, from The Hanso Foundation was born there in 1959...DJ Dan sometime in the 60's.
Thanks to Bones for pointing out:
There used to be real links on his site that have been removed. click here to see active list
**note...on the same day as the website became public someone by the name "namastepete" also uploaded a video on youtube.com spelling out the djdan website. This was never verified to be in-game but did arrive on same day as djdan. click this for video**
PODCAST May 16th
Here is the first podcast dated May 16th click click here to go to podcast
TRANSCRIPT: to view this one... click here
My assessments of the transcripts, just my own opinions click here to view
PODCAST May 26th
When you click on the link for this podcast, DJDan takes you to www.sublymonal.com website. Through clues Persephone gives and you have to put “108” in the text box and hit enter.
Here is copy of the podcast dated May 26th click here to listen
TRANSCRIPT: to view this one… click here to read
My assessment of the transcript….
click here to read
PODCAST video was June 1st (mp3 acutually June 6th)
You get directed to www.letyourcompassguideyou.com. From that point turn the compass by mousing over to 108 degrees which will allow you to click at that point. Once you click it takes you to a list of files. DJDan is in the owelles folder. straight link to owelles folder
Now this is where it gets good: When this first came out on June 1st, it had a video link to www.youtube.com. File name was : tel_soul.mov ( anagram for Sell out ). That video was removed on June 6th. It was replaced with an mp3 file in the same location.
Here is a link to the mp3 version that came out on June 6th click here to hear podcast
TRANSCRIPT: to view this one… click here to view transcript
Some things to ponder about the video: COMING SOON
My assessment of the transcript….click here to view
PODCAST June 8th
Clicking on the podcast link on his site takes you to http://podcast.monster.com/archives/djdan/
At the bottom of the page you will see...
Podcast: "Shutting Down the Man" Radio Announcer DJ Dan talks with listeners about genetic engineering and its impact on humanity's future. THAT IS THE PODCAST. click here to listen
TRANSCRIPT: click here to view
DJDan's website now has direct link to this podcast. After you click on the 6/08 it loads, but in the upper left hand corner its says 6/18....most likely a typo but worth pointing out.
My assessment of the transcript….click here to view
Things to know:
This is a very important podcast! This is the one where DJDan gets threatened by unknown caller and is the podcast where Richard calls in about the shark.
PODCAST June 14th
This one took time to get. First it is suppose to come out on 6/12. On 6/13 a link is added but only takes you to retrieversoftruth.com and you need to type in porter in the "get our newsletter to see the forums. On 6/14 DSLerator gives us the link to DJDan's podcast, at the bottom. click here to hear copy of podcast
TRANSCRIPT: click here to view
My assessment of the transcript: click here to view
Things to know:
This is first (and so far only) podcast that doesnt have/mention Tonya. Also the podcast brings up nanotechnology.
PODCAST June 16th
When you click on the 5/16 podcast on DJDan's site it takes you to sublymonal.com. Enter "hello" and submit. Then click on the far left monitor and type "BigD" and you get the podcast.
click here to hear the podcast
TRANSCRIPT: click here to view
PODCAST June 21st
You get directed to www.letyourcompassguideyou.com. From that point turn the compass by mousing over to 108 degrees which will allow you to click at that point. Once you click it gives you to a screen that you have to answer yes/no if you are a believer. Hit the "Y" key and enter. It then brings up a list of files. DJDan is in the owelles folder. click here to go there Now once again, go to the owelles folder, then you will see the file DJDAN6-21.mp3. click here to hear podcast
TRANSCRIPT: click here to view
PODCAST June 26th
This podcast takes you to the monster.com site again click here go to monster podcast page. You will see at the bottom of page Podcast: Shutting Down the Man: Radio Announcer DJ Dan talks with listeners about the world’s ultimate conspiracy. click here to go to podcast
TRANSCRIPT: click here to read
PODCAST June 30th
TRANSCRIPT: click here to read
Click here to hear podcast
PODCAST July 5th
TRANSCRIPT: click here to read
click here to hear podcast
*****On June 16th www.broadbandstories.com has a clip on DJDan. You can see this on the bottom row, fourth from the left. click here to go to broadband stories
HERE IS THE TRANSCRIPT! (A promised shout out to my buddies Josh and The Truth Tempest from ITE!) click here to read
***ANOTHER VIDEO: Unconfirmed how this video surfaced but is confirmed (per Speaker) that it is in play. This video was uploaded on June 19th 2006 on youtube.com by a user name "thejeepchannel" (same user as a previous jeep commercial poster). ***
click here to view video
TRANSCRIPT & VIEWS ON VIDEO: click here to read
Things to ponder:
Thanks Josh for the following question:
Why is this video named " ≈ "? Per Wikipedia it means "approximately equal". Please refer to wikipedia click here It can mean a couple of things. You can see it by going to the above video link.
If anyone feels something could be added here to benefit please drop me a comment!
~team lena~
Do you know what the links were bones?
yah, would LOVE to find that out...never knew that BTW...cool find!
I will go browse the LOSTpedia and see if they have anything on that.
Thanks bones!
Got them! Thanks again bones!
thanks matt! I will use a link straight to your site if thats OK with you!
I have just seen the links you were referring to bones. Conspiracies, strange happenings and the like. I guess they give an indication to what DJDan is like. Probably the sites he follows up on a lot. Things suggest to me that DJDan is a bit of a crack pot and gets seriously wound up in all sorts of conspiracies and knowing this we are supposed to pick out the "gold nuggets" (as someone put it) of information that would be relevant to the game.
IMHO that is. Thanks again bones for pointing out something new to me.
I wonder why DJDan said this: 'Cause he's swinging through the trees on some mountain in the Netherlands.'re Alvar Hanso? Why the Netherlands where there are NO mountains for monkey-swinging trees to grown upon? Have the Netherlands come up before as a possible Hanso hiding place?
I have done an assessment on podcast 6/8 please check it out!
Good point amliacrater...I will make sure to bring that up in my assessment!!
team lena
Awesome post Team Lena!!! I love having all the transcripts in one l place!!!
Peace & Namaste!!!
Sorry shakey, but I cant get anything from that yet either! Maybe more will come later!
Interrobang! said...
I find DJ Dan to be very odd in general. He has never posted any information about the hanso site himeself, never showed us any proof he has. Nor has P or Rachel spoken about him at all, which means you don't know if they support each other. I also found his bio to be interesting. The three locations they have in his bio as the "hometown" of DJ Dan make a nice triangle in the southern US.
Firstly, because I haven't seen it brought up anywhere though I think most people realise this is the case... on the DJDan podcast page, on the left is the DJDan silhouette pic with speach bubble that says "Here are some of my favourites! Shutdown!". Clearly we are not hearing the full DJDan experience, merely his selected highlights. Maybe some periods have been real boring so he's had to go back to an even older segment, but there were a few podcasts in particular that foreshadowed or echoed Persephones hacks around the same time.
May 16: I read up on Citizen Kane on wiki to refresh my memory and they have a section on it's film making innovations, however I don't recall previously hearing that any of this could have come from alien technology.
I've done a good deal of searching but can only find one reference to colour photos of Mars from 1938. Item 34 on this list of publications. Cannot find any of these pictures though, all the sites I looked at opt for the more recent and detailed ones. That said, there is that rock formation that looks like a human face (some people still hold to that notion, though it seems to have just been a freak lighting situation).
I Googled "Idaho hoax" and found this on wikipedia:
The northwestern US state Idaho was named as the result of a hoax. Lobbyist George M. Willing suggested the name, claiming it was a Native American term meaning "gem of the mountains." It was later discovered that Willing had made up the word himself. As a result, the original Idaho Territory was renamed Colorado. Eventually, the controversy was forgotten and the made-up name stuck.
The "conspiraspy tshirt" comment is rather obvious, but maybe Jessica is just trying to score points with DJDan by promoting one of his products. I agree her comment was planned, whether scripted by DJDan or herself for the pointscoring, because if I rang up talkback radio and they asked me what I was wearing I'd tell them to sod off :-D
And lastly, I thought the Red Sox comment was just a reference to Jack's dad (Christian Shepherd)
will look more at the others tomorrow
I should email DJDan and ask him about the face on Mars LOL!!
5/16 on site
5/26 sublymonal
6/01 LYCGY (was a video on youtube first, then on 6/6 it became a mp3)
**6/08 in site but does have 6/18 on it (was on monster first)
6/13 ROT...was sched for 6/12, then on 13th is pointed to ROT but the podcast didnt show up till 6/14
6/16 sublymonal
6/21 LYCGY
6/26 monster
copying & pasting (and cleaning up) comments for the 5/25 podcast from lena's transcript blog:
they reference things as happening yesterday, which made me think that the interview with the student was actually aired the day before (on that radio show that we have to assume exists) and he's just replaying parts of it in this podcast. I think he's in such a good mood because something he helped inform the public about caused such a reaction at top levels. I think he's highlighting Widmore for much the same reasons. I think the Collumbian cocain reference is about the theories of US government involvement (or CIA more specifically) in that, and as for Heston... there is the Ten Commandments movie but why mention that specifically... haven't thought about it enough. Maybe he doesn't mention P much because she doesn't have much to do with what he's currently talking about (and/or it's so early on in terms of her hacks there's not much for DJDan to comment on in regards to her).
The comment about Tonya getting paid I think is just a little in-joke. And the moon? Creepy, yes. Why are they developing something with that capability?
The comment about the Widmore building I think is part of the over-all slow/subtle introduction of them into TLE and Lost. Or a means to anchor TLE back to the show in another place.
06/01 podcast:
Another indication that this is just a portion of a much bigger show. I'd taken the comment about kicking Milty off as another joke, like paying Tonya, playing around and poking fun at people and things. His sellout rant was like justifying the way he has sold-off, like he's a sell-out with a conscience so isn't in league with some things.
Think his comment about his Compass and bombs is just more conspiracy crack-pot talk mixed with sell-out justification.
The rapid weight loss discussion wouldn't be a podcast as such, but part of the larger show we are not privy to as we don't get DJDan live. However, I did just think about the connection between D20/heavy water and weightloss. hmmm
I didn't take the comments about Tonya's body as being anything significant. I took his "Tanya-Disco-Trip-Hop remix" bit to be about if he had truly sold out. But maybe it was a sneaky way to say he isn't acting of his own volition.
Anyway, after I've gone through all of these I wanna deal a bit more with how DJDan ties in with P's hacks, or in this case a podcast about selling-out with a video not of his creation about him being a sellout. That and the question of whether he is being controlled by Hanso.
06/08 podcast:
The evolution discussion is very interesting considering the blog discussion about DJDan being a hoax.
Blah blah blah. Could be nothing. Could be DJDan quoting, paying homage to Persephone. Could be a connection between them (or the appearance of one...). I'm not sure.
The shark photo does seem to screw with the DJDan timeline, but it was another one of those links between P's hack and DJDan. Which makes me think that the podcasts aren't so much about his favourite bits, but timely (which is amusing considering the timewarp that goes on with this game).
lena, you say it's odd that DJDan knows Lou is on the phone... the producer usually informs the announcer who is on the line, so it doesn't seem odd to me. Putting the threatening caller "back" on I took to being taking him off hold, but it is a little odd. Troll... well he was stirring up trouble. And I take it Dan Lapinsky isn't his real name... LOL
Yah, my point there was that there was more conversation with Lou prior to us hearing what we heard.
I hate how we only get half of the podcast anyways.
Thanks for the help BTW...it is good to get fresh brains on it!
06/14 podcast:
Los Alamos National Laboratory on wiki. Even has DJDan's mushroom/nuclear image on it! Anyway, googling "Los Alamos brain" gets hits about cancer, though nothing in recent times.
The Congo. I wish we knew which Congo he was talking about! On one hand I think it could be the Republic of the Congo as there was a change in government in '92. On the other hand, there is the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which was Zaire at the time and no such political upheaval co-incides with the date, but... well they weren't the cleanest of governments.
The East Asian off-shore thing could be an antenna, given P's clue about such things. I forget how I got onto this, but another suggestion is a space elevator. It is even referenced on lostpedia for this podcast!
as for the nanite/stormcloud... yeah, could be the Monster, despite that theory being thrown out by TPTB, or it could explain the strange rain-out-of-nowhere on the island (if you really want to think of it as a stormcloud).
06/16 podcast:
astral plane
Iceland part of Denmark - DJDan likes throwing in obscure history stuff. From wiki: Iceland was a free state, without a king, until the end of the Sturlungaöld civil war in 1262, when it established a personal union with the Norwegian king with Gamli sáttmáli (English: The Old Covenant). From 1387 Iceland was in practice ruled by Denmark, following the union of the two kingdoms. When that union was dissolved in 1814, through the Treaty of Kiel, which saw Norway entering a union with Sweden, Iceland became a Danish colony. Home rule was granted by the Danish government in 1904 and independence followed in 1918. From 1918 Iceland was in a personal union with Denmark, with foreign relations being carried out by the Danes, as instructed by the Icelandic government until the World War II military occupation of Denmark by Nazi Germany in 1940. Subsequently, Iceland was occupied by the Allies. The Danish king remained the de jure sovereign of the nation until 1944, when the current republic was founded after the 1918 treaty had lapsed.
Bjork - well it was a swan dress actually :-D
Tonya - at face value you can interpret it as she's deliberately playing recordings of her responses (other than the Bjork comment) in an actual or fake huff at DJDan. His comments about revealing her age make me think his show is only weekly, otherwise why would Tonya wait this long to start acting up on him?
anyway, once again the theme of this podcast coincided with the theme of P's hack on the same day. But this podcast had a lot of info that slots in with the other information we were given about Vik. The caller "Tom" seems to be up on DJDan's angle too, because he talks about Mittlewerk like he's running things at Hanso. Did their talk foreshadow the Vik fire? DJDan said "the thing is with autistic savants, that you can never really know what they're actually capable of doing" (then again, and off-topic for this blog, I wonder if Zander started the fire to throw a spanner into Hanso's works). They also talk about giving Tom the "Conspiraspy of the month" title and he doesn't get it!
doh! forgot to go back and expand on astral plane! the term "astral plane" I am familiar with. "astro plane" I am not, though it does seem to be a real thing. "Astral" fits in more with DJDan's other intros. To me anyway :-D
Hey Team lena-wondering if there was an effort underway to arrange DJ Dan's podcasts in cronological order of their events rather than when they were released to us? I would be interested in seeing just how "off" they are as to actual events like the shark picture on his site, and now mentioning Rachel's blog and the GJ song before she posted it there.
As most people know, I am stuck on STUPID DIAL UP right now so been hard getting around in the ARG.
HOWEVER: I DO plan on updating DJDan research by the end of this weekend coming up. :)
yes ange, I do want to TRY and figure out what order they are in, and that is part of the updating I will be doing.
This would be a great time to put a shout out to everyone to post comments here telling me what order they think they are in AND WHY!
Team Lena
I admit, I have not been on this web page in a long time... however it was another joy to see It is such an important topic and ignored by so many, even professionals. professionals. I thank you to help making people more aware of possible issues.
podcast guests
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